I Want Her Job

76; April Rinne: Advisor, Speaker, Writer + World Economic Forum Young Global Leader



Want a peek at the future of our global society? Ask April Rinne to have a seat at your table. April bridges the private, public and social sectors as an advisor to startups, established companies, policy makers, think tanks, investors, and local and national governments. With these stakeholders she leads discussions on policy reform, global expansion, sustainable development, emerging markets and the future of work, travel and tourism. An individual with true global reach, April has lived overseas for more than 10 years, traveling to more than 100 countries during that timespan. She's also worked in more than 50 countries, averaging about 20 different countries per year.   April serves as a Young Global Leader at the World Economic Forum, where she leads the Sharing Economy Working Group. In today's episode of I Want Her Job The Podcast, April discusses how her parents instilled in her a love for travel, discovery, adventure and giving back to the world. She also shares a very sobering fact with us—she lost