I Want Her Job

55: Parlay House Founder Anne Devereux Mills On The Power Of Conversation, Connection + Civic Duty



If you love thoughtful conversation and inspiring other women, then today's podcast is for you. Anne Devereux Mills is the founder of the Parlay House, a salon-style gathering of more than 500 women in the San Francisco Bay Area. Members of the group meet once a month to connect, learn and inspire. Each meeting features a discussion on an interesting topic. The goal of Parlay, Anne says, is to change the framework of reciprocity by putting women in a place to pull fellow women forward, rather than creating a setting where women have a more transaction-like "you help me, I help you" interaction. Another goal of Anne's is to create a level playing field for all ages and professions saying, "If you talk [to another person] about what you do, you miss the commonalities." At a recent event, she shares that many women opened up about their eating disorders, depression and other big topics.  Anne also serves as chair of the board of a public company and serves as chief strategy officer of Lantern, a San Francisco-b