I Want Her Job

5: Jane Mitchell, Co-Founder, Reset Foundation



Jane Mitchell's idea started out with an idea on a sticky note. It has since grown into The Reset Foundation, an organization set to buck convention for those incarcerated. The idea is simple, says the Foundation's website, "Instead of serving time in a dehumanizing prison environment, a sentenced young adult lives at Reset Campus, focused entirely on academics, career and healthy living." The goal of The Reset Foundation is to keep these young adults out of an ongoing prison/poverty cycle through a two-year program focused on training, counseling, education and career support.   The United States has a higher incarceration rate than anywhere in the world -- with 2.8 million behind bars. Of these individuals, 68% are re-arrested within only three years. And while Jane has selected a career path that's far from glamorous, she loves her job, lives her faith and has an unmatched enthusiasm for keeping young people out of jail.