Discover The Road With Kirk Wheeler

Episode 5: Chris Schwab - Indie Films and Making The Impossible Possible



Chris Schwab is an independent filmmaker who grew up in North Carolina and started making his own films in high school. He has since moved to Los Angeles and made two feature films, Look Closer and Neither Day Nor Night, as well as  a number of shorts.  His early exposure to Martin Scorsese's Goodfella's left a deep impression on him and he has been learning and growing as a filmmaker ever since. His latest film Look Closer has just won Best Narrative Feature at the Los Angeles Reel Film Festival and was also an official selection at the Cape Fear Independent Film Festival. When I was looking for someone to create the trailers for my book he was the first person I called.  I have also had the pleasure of working with Chris to create the sound for both of these features. I asked Chris to be on the Podcast for two reasons. Because he is able to imagine something he wants to create and regardless of the obstacles before him, money, time,  or resources, he seems to have a way of making it happen. He is one of th