Work @ Home Rockstar Podcast

WHR #99 : Cauvee - Inspiration Engineer



Officially known as an Inspiration Engineer®, Cauveé [kaw-vay] is an American strategist, investor, lifestyle coach, entertainer, philanthropist, and speaker.   As the Founder of Cauvee Global. (the Early Stage Empire – see more), Cauveé is building a unique and cutting-edge empire centered around helping others find freedom and fulfillment. Featured in Huffington Post, labeled the Coach Who Is Dramatically Changing the Game, Cauveé is reverse engineering success for everyone he inspires.     SHOW NOTES How Cauveé became a Work @ Home RockStar Cauveé shares his biggest mistake It’s ok not knowing exactly what to do, just make sure you test out different things Check out for an “advisory board” Listening to motivational materials How to take advice, and make the most of it A skill can always be learned, character is much less likely to change Productivity and focus tips