Work @ Home Rockstar Podcast

WHR #81 : Elizabeth DeRosa - Coach



Elizabeth DeRosa is a mom, author and holistic health coach. She shares her knowledge, passion and past medical challenges to help individuals and families find the right balance in their own lives. In her book, Finding the Way, Elizabeth explores the connection between chemicals and toxins found in our daily lives and the rise of disease that continues to be seen in both children and adults today. Elizabeth believes that a healthy balance in all aspects of your life creates unstoppable wellness and abundance.   SHOW NOTES How Elizabeth became a Work @ Home RockStars Business is about solving problems Elizabeth shares how she turned a failure into a learning experience for her daughter She shares her habits and rituals Eat a healthy breakfast Use a diffuser and appropriate oils for the right mood Do some research on what you want to do on social media before starting your business Join Facebook groups to learn about struggles and get ideas and also to find a coach Be vulnerable and ask for help