Focus The Fire

183 - Equality, Not Pity



Today we hit pause on the usual conversation to amplify a pressing message that is rocking countries around the world. For centuries unjust practices around racism and colonialism have allowed empires to be built on the backs of oppressed people. The recent murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Trayvon Martin and countless others in the United States have boiled to the point of global protests.    Problems of police brutality, income inequality and racism are certainly not unique to that country. In the Caribbean and further abroad, the remains of these systems continue. Internally people of colour also wrestle with colourism where lighter shades are viewed or consider themselves superior to darker hues.    Today our message is simple. Equality, not Pity.    Our hope is that all shades and colours of humanity come together to rid our societies of these foolish beliefs and the systems they fuel.    #podcastblackout    Essential career advice for ambitious young professionals.    Full show notes and other r