Focus The Fire

168 - Negotiate Your Compensation, Not Salary



Let’s be brutally honest here. Besides the fluffy talk about fulfilling dreams and helping humanity, you’re working because you want to get paid. That may not be the only reason, but it’s a crucial component otherwise you would be running around hunting for a full-time volunteer position. People will keep showing up at a job for years even though their personal or professional aspirations aren’t being fed, but let the money stop and see how quickly things escalate.   But wait a minute, is compensation only about money? Not to downplay the facts here, because money matters. Still, I believe it’s a sign of maturity when you step to the negotiation table demanding more than cash.   I want to challenge you think more broadly about compensation beyond just the usual salary and bonus. In this episode we discuss 4 non-cash payments to consider when negotiating.     Question of the day: What other great non-cash payments would you add to this list?   (Comment below or on twitter)   Essential career advice for ambitio