Your Life On Purpose

38: Weekly Wrap Up



It’s been an incredible week at Blue Spirit Meditation Center in Costa Rica and learned so much. Of course, I’ll be sharing everything I learned with you in the next coming weeks.   One thing I will share with you now, however, is the value of unplugging.    You see, this week I unplugged for the first time in a long time. I haven’t checked social media, email, and other than writing up a storm and sharing this daily podcast with you, I’ve been relatively unplugged.    I’ve learned I need to continue to do this at least once a year if not every quarter.    Unplugging helps remind me of the things that matter most in life: love, relationships, and appreciating this beautiful world.   But I'm no luddite. I love technology for its extraordinary ability to connect people and it allows me to connect with you.   And for that reason alone, I love this new age of enlightenment that we’re living in. It’s truly a beautiful time to experience the gift of the life.   I threw a lot of information your way, so I’d li