Your Life On Purpose

25: Leaving the Ordinary World



Yesterday I mentioned this week’s focus, The Hero’s Journey. I’ve been re-reading Joseph Campbell’s work (good thing I saved all of my books from college) and today I’d like to further explain the journey a hero takes to live their life on purpose.   Because when you live your life on purpose, you activate your inner hero.   And I realized that The Hero’s Journey is exactly what a person who chooses to live their life on purpose goes through.   If you don’t know the work of the late philosopher and mythologist Joseph Campbell, you absolutely need to read his work. There’s also a lot of beautiful archived interviews with him that you could download.   Most people already know The Hero’s Journey, even if you never heard of Joseph Campbell, because it’s the basis of a lot of popular movies out today: Star Wars, The Matrix, Lord of the Rings.    And here’s the thing: if you are listening to this podcast and you’ve been joining me here for a while, you know you are a hero.    Because it takes heroic courage to cho