Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

Simple Lead Generation



Hello and welcome to Debbie's Tips. I wonder, are you making your lead generation harder than it needs to be? Here's what I mean. Do you have all of your past clients and your leads and your database on some type of automated email campaign? Do you have your A's and AAA’s separated out where you direct mail to them? Are you texting, are you sly voicemailing? Are you inviting them to events? In addition, are you letting those out and about in the community know that you're in real estate by wearing a name tag or a branded polo shirt when you're out at the soccer field or at the grocery store? Or maybe a t-shirt with a company logo when you're at the gym? Because see, if you're a secret agent, it's hard for them to find you. But if you're marketing consistently, we call it the web of connections, and if you're out there wearing that career apparel, people will just come up to you. I see some agents that are still using car signs. I also see a lot of people that reach out to us to say, you know, I'm part of grou