Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

How Can I Sell Myself When I'm New? #298



Hi, welcome to Debbie's Tips. Today, I'm going to talk to the brand-new agents. Because often, I will be at events and new agents will say to me, my goodness. It's such a competitive market. How can I sell myself when I'm new, especially to a seller? Because buyers are a little bit easier, am I right? Because they're not actually paying you commission. So, you know, you find them the right house, they're, for the most part, pretty easy. But a seller is a different story because they are paying a commission, and there are some big veterans out there, and there are some big teams out there, so how does a new agent really get their start? Well, here's what I would suggest. First of all, a very easy way to do it is to consider partnering with a veteran on a few listings until you've got your groove, until you feel more confident, and see what you can learn from them. This is always an option, especially if you're working higher-end properties, you may need to do that. Now, another idea would be, because you don't