Keto Talk With Jimmy Moore & Dr. Will Cole

183: Dr. Paul Ralston On Diet Culture, Desensitized Death, And The Mental Health Fallout From COVID-19



It’s Thursday and that means another action-packed episode of the realest talk on the internet–Real Talk with Jimmy Moore and Dr. Will Cole. Dr. Cole is taking a few weeks off so today Jimmy is joined by Dr. Paul Ralston. “The recent argument in the carnivore community over honey shows we have our priorities out of order.” – Jimmy Moore “Phones are making us so distracted. It’s unreal how distracted we are and how dependent we are on these devices.” – Dr. Paul Ralston   Dr. Paul Ralston began his natural health and wellness journey began back in high school as a member of the Olympic weightlifting team. He was constantly searching for natural ways to maintain the extremely demanding physical training involved in the sport through nutrition and proper recovery methods. After high school, he enlisted in the Army National Guard and attended undergrad at the University of North Florida in Jacksonville, majoring in community health and exercise science. Following his undergrad studies, he enrolled in chiropracti
