Entrepreneurs And Coffee

44: A Double Rainbow of Success with Adam Clark (Gently Mad & Irresistible Podcasting)



Today’s guest is Adam Clark of The Gently Mad and Irresistible Podcasting Here’s what’s hilarious.  For being the most self doubting person I know, Adam makes the most amazing things.  In fact, I think I’ll ask him how that’s possible. For instance, He made irrestible podcasting, an awesome podcast courseat irrestiblepodcasting.com and also a REALLY cool thing called the podcast bundle at podcastbundle.com The podcast bundle includes his course and a TON of other things. In fact, I bought the podcast bundle even though I’d already bought one of the products in it because it was such a great deal. What’s super cool is that it started selling for $1 and it goes up $1 every time somebody buys it. I think it was at $60 when I got it so go to podcastbundle.com to see where it’s at now.