Entrepreneurs And Coffee

34: How to Increase Engagement on YouTube and Social



First, I want to thank you. We have so many people submitted Q&A Friday questions that I’m coming to a point where I can start answering more than one question per episode, or do more than one episode per week, OR just make it it’s own show and that’s perfect for me because my goal as an entrepreneur is to place myself in the greatest possible place of service.  And you being brave enough to go to brendanhufford.com/podcast and ask your question means that I’m able to serve you. Second, I want to remind you, and you knew I’d do this because of the advice I gave Cris, go to brendanhufford.com/community and join our Facebook group. It’s small right now, as I’m recording and that’s great. Your post in guaranteed not to be overlooked and get direct attention from everybody there.   Thanks again so much for joining me for Q&A Friday.  I already can’t wait for next week’s question from Evan where he asks about something that’s super personal and important to me and I can’t freaking wait to answer his questi