Entrepreneurs And Coffee

18: Be the Best at Being You - The Fifth Rule of Brand Building



Interested in going from wantrepreneur to entrepreneur without quitting your job?  Let's chat! We talked about this in the very first episode of the 10 rules of brand building, episode 7 of then Entrepreneurs and Coffee podcast and all of the rules of brand building can be found in Bobby Kim’s article over at TheHundreds.com. So rule number five of branding, of brand building, is to Be the best at being you. Be the best at being you. If you’re listening to this, there’s probably a 50/50 chance you’re missing this.   So let’s break it down and then, as always, I’m going to explain how you screw this up, and then how you rock this. If you loved joining me for a cup of coffee as much as I did, please subscribe on iTunes and leave us a rating and review!