Marketing Secrets (2017)

The Strategy That Made Each Of Our Leads Worth 15X



Understanding the difference between strategy and tactics can mean everything in your business. On today’s episode Russell shares the difference between tactics and strategy after an attendee at Funnel Hacking Live complained about the content of day one. He tells why strategy is the key and tactic is just an element. Here are some interesting things to listen for in this episode: Why an attendee at Funnel Hacking Live was unhappy with day one at the event, and why he’s not seeing the gold Russell has given him. Why it’s important to know the difference between tactics and strategy. And how if you follow an overall strategy, the tactics will still be there, but you can earn 15x more money. So listen below to hear what someone else had to say about Funnel Hacking Live, and why Russell thinks he’s wrong. ---Transcript--- What’s up everybody? This is Russell, I am out taking the garbage out, Sunday night. And it’s a beautiful night, a little chilly, but looking out there’s a really cool ski hill called Bogus B