Northgate Christian Community

"He Gave Them Talaton"



A balanced approach to living a Christ-centered life requires the continual integration of three critical dimensions of the gospel: word, power, and deed. Holy Spirit week placed an emphasis on “power.” This past Sunday (“Super serve Sunday”), we focus on “deed” as Chris spoke from the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25: 14-30). Chris contends that while the emphasis of this parable is commonly on money, it is in fact about perspective. Specifically, the parable contrasts the perspective of God with the perspective of the “wicked, lazy” servant. While God views the world as a place of opportunity and worthy of investment, the servant views the world (and his master) in fear. This incongruity in perspectives underlies both the servant’s actions (or lack thereof) as well as his master’s disappointment. How we view the world and all God has allotted to us informs both our deeds and actions. Chris challenges us to take on God’s perspective to reinterpret what it means to be a good steward of the “talents” He has