Northgate Christian Community

"Taking the Land: Believing God (Part 4)"



This week Pastor Jon continued the series, “Taking the Land.”  Jon reminded us that one of the biggest catalysts of change that we can participate in is when we move from believing lies to believing truth.  He reminded us of the truth that the same blessing that was promised to Abraham is now on us, Son-ship.  Using this story, Jon revealed his main thesis for the message. Moving from selfishness to Love: becoming givers rather than takers (Genesis 14 & 15).  To further illustrate his point, Jon invited Joel and Emily Ruddy to share their experiences with giving.  From an early age and with guidance from his parents, Joel discovered that giving was rewarding.  One summer he saved up $800 to buy a car and in a worship service he felt the LORD prompt him to give it all in the offering.  After doing so he expected to hear God’s voice audibly - after all he just gave away his life savings.  Alas, he did not, but at the end of the service someone came up to him with an envelope.  In this envelope was a key to