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#736 - What Is The Best Options Trading Strategy?



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to answer the question, “What is the best options trading strategy?” Well, surprise, surprise, there is no best options trading strategy. If you clicked on this or if you thought you’re going to listen to this and we were going to tell you that there’s a unicorn option strategy that works in all environments, in all time periods, in all market situations, then you would be dead wrong because there isn’t, because option strategies are dynamic by nature. They are a trade-off between risk and reward and that means that not all people are willing to accept the same risk in order to achieve the same reward. Right there, we know that there’s a lot of different strategies that are going to work differently for different folks just based on the risk profile and how the option strategy might work moving forward. What we can tell you though is that what you should look for in options trading strategy is a broa