

Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to answer the question, “How much should I invest a month?” This is a really good question and honestly, I think it comes down to probably just using a very basic guideline for your investing. But I would say that at a bare minimum, you want to be investing 10% of your take-home pay per month into long-term investments, retirement, whatever buckets you want to distribute that. I think 10% is probably the baseline case. Could you do more than that? Of course. Could you do less than that? You can, but you probably won’t be at the place you want to be financially as quickly if you did less than 10%. If you are let’s say bringing home $50,000 a year and that’s your income, then over the course of the entire year, you probably want to save at least $5,000 or figure out how to save $5,000 which is $416, $417 per month. That would be a really, really good target. I would start there and then I would start t
