

Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to answer the question, “Does it cost money to sell stock?” The simple answer to this question again, is that yes, it cost money to sell stock nowadays at most brokers. I think this will change in the future. Already, we’re starting to see a change where a lot more brokers are coming out and offering this commission free trading platform. It’s very easy for them to start commission free on equity trades. There’s actually a number of brokers out there that offer commission free equity or stock trades, so that would allow you to then sell your stock for free though most people still do use a traditional brokerage platform which charges a commission or fee to get rid of stock or sell out of your stock position. The answer is yes, most people, it’s going to cost you money to sell stock unless you have already transitioned to a brokerage platform that does not charge you or you could go back to one of our