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#725 - Can I Transfer My Shares To Someone Else?



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today’s question we’re going to answer is, “Can I transfer my shares to someone else?” Again, the simple answer to this question is yes, you can choose if you want to do a direct share transfer. I think in many cases, the share transfer has to be or it’s at least a lot easier to do when the two different accounts that you’re transferring it between are at the same exact brokerage. If you have your shares at TD Ameritrade or you have your shares at ETrade or Schwab or Fidelity, it’d be a lot easier to do that share transfer between the two different accounts. Usually, it just takes a little bit more paperwork on the broker’s end. You want to understand who you’re transferring your shares to, what the price is, what the effective cost is and all of that stuff before you actually go ahead and submit the paperwork and transfer the shares. Personally, I don’t think… I don’t know why anybody would want to do this unless they