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#720 - The Only Group That Mattered On Sept 11th



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, I want to talk about the only group that mattered on September 11th. This is an important day for me because maybe more so than people who never even were around for September 11th, not only was I obviously around and cognizant of what was going on, on September 11th, but because I went to high school… And this happened during high school. September 11th happened for me when I was in high school. Because I went to high school in Virginia, Northern Virginia in particular, I went to high school where a lot of my friends and in fact, very close friends of mine lost family members, husbands, fathers, wives in September 11th because they worked in the Pentagon. And so, to me, September 11th hit home more so than potentially a lot of other people, but what I remember from that one event which it seems to have been lost in the constant stream of just every day stuff that we just see going on in the world right now, it