

Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to answer the question, “Is day trading a viable career?” The short answer to this for me is no. I don’t think it’s a viable career because I don’t think honestly a lot of people have the stomach, nor the account size to actually do it. I know a lot of people get sucked into day trading because they like the idea, they like the hustle, the grind, the market fluctuations, all the stuff that’s wrapped up in this ideal persona of somebody who can day trade for a living, but the reality is it probably takes a lot more skill than most people actually have. I think that there’s definitely people who are profitable as day traders and I think they are the exception, not the rule. There’s definitely people who are really, really good at day trading. I am not one of those people by any stretch, nor do I think many people are. And so, to me, when I think about day trading as a career, while it sounds so cool on