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#702 - Do You Pay Commission When You Buy And Sell A Stock?



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be answering the question, “Do you pay commission when you buy and sell a stock?” The short answer to this is you generally pay a commission with most brokers although there are some brokers now who are starting to not only remove the fees that you would pay for equity including stock, but also, there’s many brokers like Robinhood now that are starting to go commission free. It does depend on the broker. Some brokers like TD Ameritrade typically charge a very small ticket charge plus a per share charge or a flat fee. It depends on the brokerage pricing structure. Other brokers are now also rolling out commission free ETFs and commission free mutual funds or index funds, so it really depends not only on the broker, but also on the underlying products. Generally though, most brokerages as a mass right now do charge a commission for getting into, buying and selling stock although as we’ve previously