

Hey everyone. It’s Kirk here again from Option Alpha and I wanted to jump on… And this is going to be a long Facebook Live today because what I think I’m going to be sharing right now is actually… It’s a little bit scary to actually share some of this stuff and kind of tell you my thought process. And I do have a bunch of notes on here, so I’m going to show you I have so many notes that I’m going to go through, so if I don’t look directly at you, it’s because I’m reading from this stuff and I’m trying to figure out my thought processes and what I want to get across. But there’s a lot that I want to share on this and this is going to be the show for the daily podcast which is really where the seeds of this whole journey started. When I started the daily podcast almost 700 episodes ago now, one of the things that I wanted to do is I wanted to offer a little bit more than just options trading. I wanted to kind of let you guys behind-the-scenes a little bit, talk a little bit about psychology and mentality and em