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#697 - A Birthday Reflection About The Longevity Of Life



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about a birthday reflection about the longevity of life. As I cross yet another birthday and not necessarily a milestone birthday, but it seems like now, the numbers are starting to look to me, a little bit older than they were previously. For whatever reason now, my new age starts to look even older and older and older as I go and that’s I guess because the age is actually creeping up. But as I cross another birthday milestone, I’ve just been seriously reflecting a lot in the past couple of months about not only life and what I want to do and who I am and really digging deep on a lot of stuff which you guys have probably even seen and starting to hear and you’ll definitely hear more about for sure. But what I’ve realized about life in just conversations this summer with not only my father-in-law, my father and my friends and family and brother-in-laws, is that life is a weird two-heade
