

Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be answering the question, “How do brokerage commissions work?” Obviously, as you know, there’s many different ways in which brokerage commissions can work. We’re going to kind of go through a list of them here, so you could see what works for you and what works for your account. Obviously, check with the broker that you’re using. Look in multiple brokers, look at reviews of brokers because it is wildly different and the first thing I’ll tell you is whatever brokerage commission you see online may not necessarily be what they could actually charge you because you can negotiate your commissions lower. Many people don’t understand that the brokerage commissions that you publicly see on the front face of every single website is just literally a starting point and oftentimes, there are traders and investors who get substantially discounted commissions just for simply asking or for moving money over or