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#678 - Why Procrastinators Are Incredible Winners



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about why procrastinators are incredible winners. Yeah, I actually said it. Procrastinators are highly successful people and incredible winners and they’re winners because as being a procrastinator, they continue to put things off until the point at which they have no time which by default, is exactly what they wanted to do. Their brain is so hardwired to be a procrastinator that they literally are doing exactly what they want to do which is put things off until there’s no time left because they’re a procrastinator. And that doesn’t mean that they’re bad people. It just means that they’re literally hardwired to do this. They’re actually winning at the thing that they want to do on a subconscious level. Now, we all know people who are like this, right? Your brother, your sister, your in-law, maybe a spouse where they just seem to put things off until the last moment, but the reality is t