

Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about those people who are great starters, but poor finishers. And look, I admittedly put myself into this camp as well because we all have been down this path where we try to start something and we are super, super motivated, we do all the right things, we set ourselves up for success and then for whatever reason, we just fall off the man wagon, right? And so, I’ve done this before a number of times with definitely meditation in the morning. I do really good for a couple of weeks and then I start to fall and then I have to get back on the horse if you will and regroup and start building new habits again. That’s a continuous one for me. I know a lot of people who have the same thing with eating and going to the gym or physical fitness and especially in the world of options trading, it’s very easy to get very excited and then quickly just fizzle out. And so, when I talk about this, it’s