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#670 - The #1 Lesson Investors Should Take Away From UBER's Failed IPO



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about the number one lesson investors should take away from Uber’s failed IPO. And I do think it was a failed IPO. I think in many respects, they were anticipating to do a lot better and clearly, they did not do as well as they expected especially right out of the gate. And this is a really good learning opportunity for a lot of investors because I think what many people assume is that when a company IPOs, even companies as big as Uber and as publicly known as Uber, that when the company IPOs, that immediately, it’s a great opportunity to make quick cash. And we’ve seen this time and time again where people buy into the IPO just to see massive losses quickly in the first couple of days of trading and the problem with this is the assumption that all IPOs are this great environment to make a quick buck. But when you look at Uber’s failed IPO and many other IPOs… You can just single in out