

Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about why your feelings got you in trouble. Your feelings always get you in trouble with investing. And don’t lie to me because I know. I’ve been there too. We’ve all been in the same situation where we’ve gone through an event where we had some sort of gut-wrenching feeling that made us act a certain way and that ended up to be a terrible decision. But the problem with investing is that a lot of times, we’re forced by just most of the technology that we use right now to make decisions based on feeling, things like, “I think that Apple is going to go higher.” or “I think that Facebook is going to go lower.” or “I think that the reaction to some government report is going to be this which is going to cause the market to do X, Y and Z.” right? All of these feelings that you have about the market mostly get you into trouble and the same thing could be said not only about trade entry, but a
