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#660 - The 1 Viewpoint Most People Hate To Accept



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about the one viewpoint that most people hate to accept. Myself included, we all hate to actually accept this viewpoint, but it’s really, really important and I think today’s podcast is one that hopefully should kind of hit you right in the gut to some degree because I’m going to try to be as blunt as possible not only to you, but to myself because I think about this and I read this over and over. This is part of my kind of daily routine of reading some of these mindset things and this one always hits me. I mean, always, like literally, when I read some of this stuff, I stop and I think to myself, “Man, that’s so powerful, so important.” It could be so easy just to dismiss what we’re talking about here and chalk up your successes and failures and everything to something else or some outside factor of circumstance, but it’s really not. Here’s the deal, right? In this world, the reality i