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#642 - Choosing Between Unhappiness And Uncertainty



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about choosing between unhappiness and uncertainty. This is a really cool topic and one that I really like. I like this difference between these two words and how they kind of ultimately are going to lead us to making different decisions in the future. But the reality is that many people choose unhappiness because they have a fear over the uncertainty. What happens is that they’re scared to make a change or a move because they don’t know what’s going to happen. They’re scared to change a job. They’re scared to start trading options instead of just investing in stocks which is what they always know that they can do, their fallback, if you will, their safety net. And so, in doing this, they actually are choosing to favor unhappiness over uncertainty. But the reality is that no matter what they do, even if they stay in their current state and environment or keep doing what they’ve always d