

Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about why knowing is not enough and why we must act. This is going to be an interesting one because I often feel like people who actually put their positions on and don’t just have broad opinions are the people who I respect a lot more. And I think I try to do this with my positions because I open myself up every single day to criticism and people looking at the positions or the trades that we make because we publicly make them available after 20 or 30 days and post them on YouTube and put them on our website, all over the place. And so, it’s sometimes hard because you get a lot of criticism like – “Why did you do that?” and “Why did you do that?” and “Didn’t you know that the market was going to go down or sideways or up?” And the reality is that if you know something is going to happen, but you don’t actually act on it, then it’s not necessarily something I want to follow or something