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#628 - StockTwits Launches Commission-Free Trading Platform



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about why StockTwits launches their first commission-free trading platform. This is actually no surprise to me and in fact, I talked about this a number of months ago. My prediction is coming true that I thought that at some point in the future, all brokers are going to start gravitating towards this commission-free trading model and StockTwits being another new brokerage that’s now coming out is going to be offering commission-free trading. Now, at the time that I’m actually doing this video and this recording, there’s actually no platform that I can see. The only thing I see on their website is that the new trade app is coming and I just have to be informed of updates. I don’t know what it looks like. I don’t know exactly how it works or what the actual underlying background is, but they definitely tout it as being commission-free trading experience for stocks and potentially maybe op