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#622 - What College Degree Should I Get To Work At An Investment Bank?



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to answer the question – “What college degree should I get to work at an investment bank?” This is kind of a piggyback off of yesterday’s podcast where we talked about the fact that you don’t need a degree to trade or to be in the investment space. The natural progression then is – “Well, if I don’t need necessarily a degree, what degree do I need if I need any to work in an investment bank?” And I talked about it yesterday, but I’ll reiterate it today. I don’t think necessarily, you always have to have a finance degree. Now, this could be totally different and I’m not connected to this space like I was 10 plus years ago when I was working in it, but even then, when a lot of people went to work at an investment bank, they didn’t necessarily have a finance degree or a degree in economics. There were a lot of people who had history degrees or psychology or physics or some other science degree and I thi