

Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again at Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about the inner and outer game of trading. I think this is a really important topic and I think it’s important because in this day and age, we are so bombarded with different messages and different streams of video and Facebook messages and friend likes and Instagram that it seems like we’re not moving at a fast enough pace. And so, what that causes us to do in many respects is it causes us to make decisions that create a lot of context switching between different strategies and investments and ideas. They invest in one thing and they don’t see a lot of success right way, so they immediately pull and do something else and it’s like we’re just throwing all of these lines in the water and as soon as we throw the line in the water and we’re trying to fish for a great investment or a great strategy, the second that the line hits the water, if we don’t catch a bite, then we yank it out and we