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#603 - What Should You Start Trading First? Stocks, Options, Commodities, Forex?



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to answer the question – “What should you start trading first? Stocks, options, commodities or Forex?” Now, I think it’s actually pretty natural for most investors to start their investing journey by trading stocks. Many people get used to the idea of stocks because we hear about them all the time and it’s very easy to understand. You are purchasing shares in the company and you buy and sell the underlying shares. But the reality is that stocks have a high capital threshold to cross and ultimately, are a 50/50 bet unless you’re holding them for a really long time period. If you want to start trading and you want to learn how to trade, we believe that options trading of course, is the ultimate trading vehicle for you. It’s the only one out of the list that I presented before that allows you to trade with a high probability of success and defined risk reward characteristics. In addition, options tradin