

Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to answer the question – “Can you learn how to read stocks?” I think this is a really interesting question. I think ultimately, you can learn how to read stocks, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll have really great predictive power. When I think about learning how to read stocks and read charts, I think about generally looking at different stocks or markets and figuring out what types of common ebbs and flows or common moves that a particular stock might have over time. I’ve often said that stocks are like people in that they have their own personality. They have their own ways of reacting to news or different environments that you could probably get a good idea of over time. Now, again, does this mean that you would have crazy, crazy predictive power over where a potential stock is going to go in the future? Probably not. I think it’s probably really hard to do. Are there really good stoc