

Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about the basics of direct access day trading. Now, I don’t necessarily want to talk about day trading because we don’t believe in day trading here at Option Alpha, but many people are probably searching for concepts around direct access trading or direct access day trading, trying to get an idea of what direct access trading is. In its most basic terms, direct access trading gives you the ability to skip any potential middleman and directly place orders with whatever exchange you want to place orders with. Many broker platforms now give you the ability to do this where you can actually place orders the exact same day or a different day or use contingent orders with any exchange that you want or choose to just use the best possible exchange or the best price at that given time. And this is really cool because what it does is it skips over any potential middleman that potentially might b
