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#594 - If The Dream Is A Tree, Resistance Is The Shadow



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about – “If the dream is a tree, resistance is the shadow.” And I actually love this quote. This is a fairly recent quote that I came over and thought it would be applicable for the podcast because I think it actually applies to many different aspects and I think it was originally attributed to Steven Pressfield. Maybe it doesn’t, maybe it’s not. But he said, “If the dream is a tree, resistance is the shadow. Both appear and grow at the same time.” And I got to be honest. I can’t tell you, like I feel like this actually is so, so true and so fitting and it’s just a good analogy for it because in so many ways, even with Option Alpha trading, just like anything in life, when you have this dream to step outside of any social norm or any relative norm compared to the masses, then the further and further you step outside of that normal herd, you just find more and more resistance to pull you