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#568 - What's The Best Computer Setup For Trading Stocks & Options?



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to answer the question – “What’s the best computer setup for trading stocks and options?” I’m assuming that a lot of people who are listening to this right now or if you’ve found this online, you’re trying to figure out – “Okay. If I’m going to start trading stocks or options, do I need some supercomputers to actually get this done? Do I need some advanced software, some advanced monitoring system?” And the answer to all of that stuff is absolutely no. It’s total garbage. I don’t think that anybody actually needs these super mega computers to do trading either in stocks or options. This industry has advanced so much so in the last even five or 10 years that the ability to trade from just your phone or your iPad or your laptop is light years ahead of where it was even 10 years ago. When I started trading, I still use a regular computer, but I had upgraded servers and ram and memory and all those thing