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#561 - Start Trading With A Comfortable Account Balance



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and today, I want to talk about why you should start trading with a comfortable account balance. Undoubtedly, one of the biggest questions I get all the time is – “Kirk, what account balance should I start with? How much money should I start with if I want to trade options?” And everyone’s looking for me to give them a perfect answer, something like – “You need to start trading with $25,000 or you need to start trading with $100,000.” But the reality is you can start trading with as little as $3,000 to $5,000 as long as you understand that you’re not going to quit your job and pay off your home and mortgage and buy a yacht with the profits from a $3,000 to $5000 account. You have to be realistic with your expectations. But I often find that people who are starting have this weird thought process that when they have more money to trade with, magically, all their mechanical problems and issues will disappear. Like if I had more money to trade with, then I