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#560 - The Top 3 Obstacles Options Traders Encounter



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again at Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, I want to go through the top three obstacles I think many options traders encounter. And the reason I use the word “obstacles” to start this off is because I think they are things that everybody is going to run into, but they are things that you can get over or get around. They're not going to hurt you, they're not going to derail your potential success, but they are going to be things that you have to push through or you have to figure out a way around them through consistency, persistence, patience. One of those, you’re going to have to use as a means to push through this obstacle. These come up time and time again not only in our membership community, in the forums, but also through coaching that I’ve done before in the past and just through my own experience of knowing how to trade and having been through many market cycles over the last 10 plus years. The first one for sure is trade count. I think this is an