

Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about how to use an insider trading report. We’re not talking about the illegal version of insider trading reports which is really bad, where you can go to jail if you're distributing insider information, but we’re talking about the insider trading information that we can garner from SEC form number four and this is basically a form that many people who are insiders or have a significant equity stake in different publicly traded companies have to file any of their distributions, sales, options exercise, purchase, any of that stuff, they have to file with the SEC. And so, it’s really cool because what you can actually see is you can see what insiders in the company are doing. In particular, I like to glance at this if I’m ever invested in a stock or if I’m ever looking at a particular stock. I would definitely be interested in seeing what insiders are doing. Are the CEO and the chairman