

Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to be talking about why the best place to invest never changes. This topic is something that’s I’d say near and dear to my heart because I love learning about different investment vehicles. I’m a student of finance, history of finance and investment and markets and cycles and what I’ve learned over time and definitely over my experience not only trading, but also investing in private companies, real estate, stocks, everything, IPOs, I've learned that one thing really never changes when it comes to investing and it comes down to finding a place where you can get the highest risk-adjusted returns. And so, this is really a key because it's not just about getting the highest returns. I think many people would look at investing and say, “The best place to invest is where you can get the highest return.” But it’s not just about return. It's about the highest risk-adjusted return, factoring in components li