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#529 - We Cannot Recognize The Difference Between Positive & Negative Experiences



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again at Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we’re going to talk about why we cannot recognize the difference between positive and negative experiences. This is something I heard recently and I thought it was really insightful. I was reading another book and I heard somebody say this, the author who said this and he basically said this exact line which was – “We can’t recognize the difference between positive and negative experiences.” And the context of this was that we have no idea if whatever experience we are currently going through right now is going to ultimately turn out to be a positive or negative outcome for us. To use I guess maybe a really simple example, if you had a really bad experience somehow in your childhood, well, that undoubtedly shaped you into the person you are today and hopefully you had a chance to learn or grow or reflect or develop from that point forward and that potentially negative experience that you had somewhere in your chil