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#517 - Using Other People's Money (OPM) For Investing In Options?



Hey everyone. This is Kirk here again from Option Alpha and welcome back to the daily call. Today, we got an interesting topic and we’re talking about using other people's money (OPM) for investing in options. Somebody recently wrote in the Facebook group and they said, “Using other people's money or bank loans for investing is common in startups and real estate. (which it is) Is there any particular reason why this shouldn’t work for options considering that we’re only investing in this vehicle out of the three mentioned here (we can invest in options, startups or real estate) that can set realistic probabilities of success? Why risk yourself getting a mortgage, buy a house and try to rent it to cover the mortgage payments and other expenses and not getting a loan with the lowest possibly APR to increase your capital to invest in options?” Now, look. I will definitely blanket say this statement that I do not agree necessarily with this style of investing. One, because I feel like as opposed to other things l
